

Hello! My name is Sam and I’ll be co-blogging with River! We’ve been friends for… a very long time and she has helped me get into a lot of books I likely wouldn’t have read otherwise. Currently I am an ESL teacher by night and the Operations Manager of by day, wherein I deal with feature content, reviews and overseeing daily content related to RPGs. Outside of my love of video games I am an avid reader (though that may be an understatement), and a lover of Japanese fiction, YA, middle grade, science fiction and fantasy. Honestly though, I’ll read anything as long as it tickles my fancy.

My goals on the blog are to help River with reviews, as well as sharing my experiences at literary events within Toronto, Canada. Expect to see some fun stuff, and I may even throw in a fun giveaway every so often because I like to share!

Some of my favourite books are: Jellicoe Road (Melina Marchetta, although anything by her really), Coin Locker Babies (Ryu Murakami), Hard-boiled Wonderland at the End of the World (Haruki Murakami), anything by Terry Pratchett, Speak (Laurie Halse Anderson), The Dresden Files (Jim Butcher), Anna and the French Kiss (Stephanie Perkins), This Lullaby (Sarah Dessen), Sisters in Sanity (Gayle Forman), Mistborn (Brandon Sanderson), Lisel & Po (Lauren Oliver), Lips Touch: Three Times (Laini Taylor), and This Song Will Save Your Life (Lisa Sales), Newsflesh Trilogy (Mira Grant) and many more!
Favourite Authors: Ryu Murakami, Haruki Murakami, Sarah Dessen, Terry Pratchett, Brandon Sanderson, Jim Butcher, Melina Marchetta, John Green, Gayle Forman, Lauren Oliver, Banana Yoshimoto, Natsuo Kirino, Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire, Tamora Pierce, Laurie Halse Anderson, the list goes on forever.

I hope you enjoy some of the great content River and I have in store for the blog! Feel free to follow me on twitter @merrygodown.

2 thoughts on “Sam

  1. Pingback: Finishing my Inspire! Recap | A Dangerous Kind of Ordinary

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